Terms and Conditions
When checking out through the online shopping cart you will be required to accept the following Terms and Conditions. Accepting during the checkout process is equivalent to signing agreement to the following policies.
Agreement to Hold Harmless - Waiver and Assumption of Risk
Last Updated 11/11/2022
Truckee Meadows Dog Training Club [“TMDTC”] offers dog training classes and invites participation in various dog related events. I understand that attendance at a dog training class or dog related event is not without risk to myself, members of my family, my guests, visitors, and dogs. Some dogs to which I will be exposed may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the greatest of care. In the case of a minor, I also understand that a responsible adult must accompany and stay with the minor during each and every class or event. Minors who work with dogs must demonstrate the ability to control the dog(s).
I hereby waive and release TMDTC, its officers, directors, instructors, members, and agents from any and all liability of any nature for injury or damages resulting from the action of any dog, handler, owner or other person, and I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury while attending any training session or event while on the TMDTC grounds or elsewhere. In consideration of and as inducement to my acceptance in a training class or participation in any event, I
hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless TMDTC, its officers, directors, instructors, members, and agents from any and all claims by myself, any family member or any other person accompanying me to any training session or event
while on the TMDTC grounds or elsewhere, as a result of any action by me, a dog, handler, owner, or other person.
TMDTC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy & Procedures
Update as of Feb 10, 2022
The State of Nevada has lifted the mask mandate requirement and Washoe County has no mask mandatory policy for private businesses, our students and instructors are not required to have on face coverings as of 10:00 am, Thursday, 10 February, 2022.
Truckee Meadows Dog Training Club will continue to following local, county, state, and CDC guidelines regarding COVID-19 precautions.
General Refund Policy
Our instructors are all very experienced in their chosen venue and they all volunteer their time to make learning fun and exciting for you and your dog. Please read the class descriptions and the instructor biographies before choosing your class. Whichever class you choose you will have the opportunity to learn something new.
Cancellations BEFORE the close of registration will be subjected to a $30 clerical/processing fee and the remaining balance will be refunded.
There is a no refund policy AFTER registration has closed. We do not maintain a waiting list so we cannot fill the spot once registration has closed.
Bitches in heat will receive a pro-rated refund of the remaining classes. A veterinarian statement is required.
Dogs excused from class by the instructor will receive a pro-rated refund of the remaining classes.
Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Training Director and are made on a case by case basis.
Frequently asked questions:
The class has started but I don’t like it. Can I get a refund?
No. In order to maintain our very reasonable tuition, we ask that you carefully read the course description before you enroll. Instructors can be contacted if you have any unanswered questions about the class.
I picked one class but want to switch to another. Is that possible?
Yes, BEFORE registration closes AND if there is an opening available in the other class.